Facebook Tab

in on December 5, 2016

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Product Description

Woocommerce Facebook Tab Extension

Woocommerce Facebook Tab Extension is by far the best extension to socialize your woocomemrce store. Everyone knows how difficult it is to get search engine ranking in google nowadays and hence social marketing is becoming very important tool for every business owner. Also social platforms like Facebooks are now staying with almost everyone nearly for whole days. Facebook is in PCs and now facebook in each and every cell phone. And with the growth of facebook, it also creates a huge opportunity for you to take advantage of the same platform and boost your sells.

Woocommerce Facebook Tab Extension will give you opportunity to showcase your products directly on your facebook page and using the facebook platform you will be able to market them. Your products will be displayed as facebook tab on your facebook account sidebar and your customers will be able to directly click your product for purchase. After that they will be redirected to your website, where they can complete the checkout process.

If you are not know to facebook, it can take some time to understand whole set up procedures. But for using this extension, you need a facebook account, facebook page, API knowledge.Please read complete setup procedures mentioned on Woothemes Docs pages to make this extension working as we do not provide support here. Also you need to have latest wordpress and woocomemrce along with SSL certificate on your website to integrate this extension with facebook.

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Release Information

  • Price


  • Released

    December 5, 2016

  • Last Updated

    December 5, 2016

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