Variation Swatches and Photos

in on December 6, 2016

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Product Description

WooCommerce Variation Swatches and Photos  Extension

One of the great feature of woocommerce is that it offers product variations and many of our online store owners are moving towards woocommerce just because of this feature. But default woocommerce behavior for selling product variation is that it will show dropdown of variation at front end and your customer need to select it from dropdown. If you look at the big players, they will have nice and catchy product variation swatches besides their product image. Advantage of using swatches is that it is very distinctly visible and hence your buyer will never miss it. Plus it looks more professional than just using the dropdown.

WooCommerce Variation Swatches and Photos Extension has been specifically designed for that purpose and comes with some very handy functions that will make your life simpler. If you are selling many items which have same color variations, you can define global swatches and use them globally. Plus it comes with a function where you can define swatches per product.

When listing new product at backend, it will bring you two options. Either you can choose to use global swatches or you can define new variation swatches for that product. In the frontend, it will give nice visual effect for color swatches and it will improve buyer experience at your site.

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Release Information

  • Price


  • Released

    December 6, 2016

  • Last Updated

    April 10, 2024

  • version

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